Municipal Service Benefit Units (MSBU)

What is a MSBU?

Chapter 125.01(q) 1 of the Florida Statutes authorizes the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) to create or abolish a MSBU. The law permits such districts to be created for the purpose of providing and maintaining facilities or services which specifically benefit property owners in a particular area. The facilities or services must provide a public purpose. Chapter 197.3632 for the Florida Statutes provides for the levy, collection and enforcement of non-ad valorem assessments through the uniform method.

What all that means in simple terms is that the County can assist with the collection of funds for a particular improvement such as sidewalks, streetlights, road improvements or maintenance. These funds will be collected from property owners within a designated boundary for an improvement within that boundary. The funds will only be used for the designated improvement and not distributed County wide. For a more detailed explanation of a MSBU please click on the link below.


Okaloosa County does not budget funds for sidewalks or street lighting; however, there are avenues that citizens can pursue to have these improvements constructed in their neighborhoods.

MSBU Policy Document.pdf

Road Construction, Improvement & Maintenance MSBU

The Okaloosa County Road Department operates under a policy adopted in 1983 that no dirt road not on the Maintenance list at this time can be accepted into the County maintenance system unless it is brought up to a paved standard. Also, due to legal restrictions, the County cannot expend funds on non-County maintained roads. This presents a constant challenge for the BCC and the citizens of Okaloosa County . Many roads within the County are in need of maintenance and repair but they fall under one of the restricted areas above that prevent the BCC from offering their help. The BCC adopted an updated MSBU Policy & Procedures for Road Construction, Improvement, and Maintenance on May 6, 2014. This policy provides a way for citizens to help themselves fund projects in their area.

MSBU for Road Construction, Improvement & Maintenance Policy & Procedure Document.pdf